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****What Can I Do To Help****

**LATEST JENA 6 NEWS YOU CAN STILL HELP** Many ask how can they help with the Jena 6 case I have put together some ways you can's the latest news and ways you can help stop the racism..We need you to stand up!! Even $5.00 Will Help!!Donate online to the: Jena 6 Defense Fund or mail donations to. Jena 6 Defense Committee, P. O. Box 2798, Jena, LA 71342 Advocate in your community: Mobilize your community and local government to have a voice and unite on equality within the United States criminal justice system.Send a letter to the Louisiana Governor and the Louisiana Attorney General: Urge your local officials to investigate this matter to ensure that these young men’s constitutional rights are safeguarded.Register to vote: Make your vote count.Join the NAACP: Become a member of the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization and help make a difference.DONATE HERE IT'S FAST AND SECURE PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!! PLEASE HELP!! PLEASE HELP EVEN $1 DOLLAR ADD'S UP!!


Jena Defence

Louisiana Earns Dubious Distinction

Louisiana incarcerates more of its residents than any other state in the nation
. Here are the top three:

1. Louisiana (791)

2. Texas (691)

3. Mississippi (660)

Lowest three states:

1. Maine (144)

2. Minnesota (180)

3. Rhode Island (189)

(Note: The national average incarceration rate is 491 per 100,000 residents.)
Adults (18-64)

What Is The Jena 6

A little background for those that do not know, the Jena 6 are six Black students who face the possibility of going to prison for very long time, all because of a schoolyard fight. Almost a year ago, in the small town of Jena, Louisiana a group of Black students sat under a “whites-only” tree in the schoolyard. Yes they still have them.

Apparently, this upset some of the white students so much that the next day they put up nooses hanging from the tree. Soon after the nooses were hung, most of the 93 Black students (out of a total student enrollment of 546) at Jena High School stood together under the tree, in a courageous act of protest.

It wasn't long after this that a a school assembly was called, where a white district attorney told the Black students to just keep their mouths shut about the nooses. He told them if he heard anything else about it, he “can make their lives go away with the stroke of his pen.”

This eventually led to a fight that sent one white student to the hospital and six Black students to jail and that’s when all the comotion and eventual hell broke loose.

The Jena 6 are Robert Bailey (17), Theo Shaw (17), Carwin Jones (18), Bryant Purvis (17), Mychal Bell (16) and an unidentified minor. All were expelled from school, arrested and charged with second-degree attempted murder. Bail was set so high starting at $70,000 and going as high as$138,000 that the they were left in prison for months as families went deep into debt to release them.

Here at Jena-6 .blogspot we will devote this entire site to the Jena 6 story. It is said to be covered by Oprah soon, only time will tell. We will keep you up to date on that as well.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Neo Nazi Websites Are Focus Of Threats There Latest Demonstrations Condemed

Rev. Jesse Jackson- Threats condemned

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who made one trip to Jena before the rally and also led one of the marches in Jena, has issued a statement condemning the threats and calling for swift action to take care of those responsible. He said the threats by "neo-Nazi white supremacy groups" need to be taken seriously, as they are "heavily armed and dangerous" and urged President George W. Bush to intervene.

"The demonstration shamed those with a conscience and roused those with hatred in their hearts," Jackson wrote on his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Web site. "Neo-Nazi Web pages have burned with vile denunciations of the Jena Six and the demonstrators. Last week, one page (, an expression of an extremist group that calls itself the American National Socialist Workers Party, chillingly published the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the families of the Jena Six. 'Get in touch,' the Web page threatened, 'And let them know justice is coming.'

"'If these n-----s are released or acquitted, we will find out where they live and make sure that white activists and white citizens in Louisiana know it,' ANSWP Commander Bill White stated today," Jackson wrote on his site Tuesday. "'We'll mail directions to their homes to every white man in Louisiana if we have to in order to find someone willing to deliver justice.' The defendants 'are much better off in the hands of the justice system than they are in the hands of the white citizenry of this nation,' ANSWP Commander Bill White stated. 'And we intend to make sure they know that.' Another White posting on the matter flatly threatened, 'Lynch the Jena 6.'

"'The best crowd control for such a situation would be a squad of men armed with full automatics and preferably a machine gun as well,' added another ranter posting on the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network, a white supremacist Web forum," Jackson wrote.

Sharpton issued a statement over the weekend also imploring action be taken in regard to the threats.

Rev.Moran stressed that the LaSalle Parish Sheriff's Office, State Police and FBI have stepped up and provided the needed security for families.

"They have all offered total support making sure protection is there for families," he said. "They are doing a very good job."

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